Metode Pembelajaran Profetik dalam Membentuk Pendidikan Islam Inklusif-Religius pada Santri Berkebutuhan Khusus
Religious Character, Gifted Student, Islamic Boarding SchoolAbstract
This article attempts to describe the content, teachings and patterns of hiwaar hadiths in the book Al-Arbain Al-Nawawiyah that form the character of inclusive Islamic education. So that the hiwar hadiths in the book Al-Arbain Al-Nawawiyah can be used as a basis for forming inclusive Islamic education. The study was carried out using a qualitative approach and library research type of research. Researchers collected data from primary books, namely the book Al-Arbain Al-Nawawiyah along with explanatory books (syarh). This research also uses data from several relevant articles. The study shows that there are ten hadiths that contain elements of the hiwar method. These hadiths discuss faith, the basic teachings of Islam and ethics. Hadiths This also explains that the hiwar method is a method often used by the Prophet to teach Islamic teachings to the people around him. The study shows that the hiwar method is an important method to develop to build an inclusive mindset for students. This study can be used as a reference for building an inclusive education system by prioritizing the dialgic (hiwar) method in teaching Islamic religious education.
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