Implementasi Program Pendidikan Islam Berbasis Masjid di Sekolah
In the current era with various children's problems, one of which is children's loss of interest in entering the mosque and less interest in participating in activities at the mosque. Seeing this, all parties, including the government, parents, community, teachers and stakeholders, have a big obligation to overcome this problem. School is an educational institution that plays an active role in the implementation and application of religious education for children, therefore it is the desire of parents to have sons and daughters who are intelligent, pious, hafidz of the Koran and whose hearts are attached to the mosque. That is what inspired Laznas Nurul Hayat and the Khairunnas Education Foundation to present a new program, namely School in the Mosque. This research aims to determine the implementation process of the mosque-based Islamic education program at Khairunnas 2 Elementary School Surabaya and to find out what are the supporting and inhibiting factors for implementing the mosque-based Islamic education program at Khairunnas 2 Elementary School Surabaya. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The techniques used by researchers to collect data are observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique uses the Miles & Huberman model. The results of this research show that the Khairunnas Education Foundation is a foundation founded by LAZNAS Nurul Hayat which focuses on institutional service to the world of education in Indonesia. Founded in 2018 in Surabaya. Currently, Islamic education has developed at various levels of education starting from early childhood education (KB-TK), elementary school, middle school, high school and college (KEPQ). One of them is SD Khairunnas 2 Surabaya. SD Khairunnas 2 Surabaya has implemented a mosque-based Islamic education program and collaborates with the As-shobirin mosque and Al-haq mosque. The process of implementing the Islamic education program at SD Khairunnas 2 Surabaya can be influenced by four variables, namely: (1) communication, (2) resources, (3) disposition, and (4) bureaucratic structure.
Keywords : Implementation, Islamic Education, Mosque-based.
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