Pendidikan Inklusi dan Strategi Mutu dalam Mencapai Kesetaraan Pendidikan di Indonesia
Strategy, Quality of Learning, Islamic Religious EducationAbstract
Inclusive education is a crucial approach in creating equality for all students, including those with special needs. Educators play a key role in implementing inclusive education, aiming to ensure that every student has fair access to quality learning. This research aims to identify effective strategies that educators can use to promote inclusive education and address various challenges that arise in the process. The research approach applied is qualitative, with data collection methods including in-depth interviews and literature analysis. The findings show that strategies such as differentiated instruction, the use of assistive technology, and professional training and development for educators are highly effective in supporting the implementation of inclusive education. Additionally, this research emphasizes the importance of institutional support and collaboration between educators, parents, and the community in achieving educational equity. In conclusion, inclusive education not only enhances student engagement and achievement but also fosters a more inclusive and responsive learning environment for all learners.
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