Metode Pembelajaran dan Penanaman Nilai Moderasi pada Materi Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah
Value, Moderation, Islamic Religious EducationAbstract
The purpose of this journal is to examine how PAI learning strategies instill the ideals of moderation. considering the many disputes arising from social and religious problems in Indonesia. Teaching moderation is one way to address this problem. Because incorporating Pancasila values into society depends heavily on moderation. In this journal, we discuss PAI learning methods, their effects on moderation values, and the factors that drive and hinder PAI learning strategies. The journal's research methodology combines qualitative techniques with descriptive research design. Key informant interviews, documentation, and observations were used to collect data. The findings of this study are expected to provide in-depth analysis and useful suggestions to improve education, especially with regard to teaching students about the need for moderation.
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