Komersialisasi Pesantren: Tantangan dan Peluang dalam Mempertahankan Keaslian Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia
Commercialisation, Pesantren, Education, AuthenticityAbstract
This study explores the impact of commercialisation on pesantren education in Java, particularly in maintaining the authenticity of its traditional values. Pesantren are faced with the challenge of modernisation that encourages the adoption of the national curriculum and cooperation with the private sector, which may reduce the focus on religious education. This research uses the literature study method to analyse the challenges and opportunities faced by pesantren. The results show that commercialisation, although it can erode traditional values and increase inequality in access to education, also provides opportunities for pesantren to innovate in curriculum, improve facilities, and adopt modern teaching methods. In conclusion, with the right strategies, pesantren can maintain their identity while adapting to market demands, thus remaining relevant in the changing social and economic context.
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