Pusat Pendidikan Islam di Masyarakat Berbasis Masjid
Mosques, Islamic Education Centres, CommunitiesAbstract
The study in this study aims to describe the programs and implementation in the mosque as a community education center. This research uses a qualitative approach using a case study that occurred at the H.M. Wijadi Dandangan Mosque, Kediri City. Mosques as the center of Islamic education for the community have many functions that can be studied more contextually. The findings of this study are that the programs at the H.M. Wijadi Dandangan Mosque, Kediri City as a center for Islamic education in the community have 3 programs. 1. Spiritual education program: tahsin for mothers, sunday morning haromain study, shubuh lecture, thematic routine study, khataman, tabligh akbar. 2. Skill education program: english massive, screen printing and graphic design courses, adhan and iqomah courses. 3. Social education program: friday blessings. The implementation is as follows: The Tahsin Women's Program runs for about 5 years. Reciting every Monday-Thursday starts at pkl. 12.30-p.m. 14.30. Teaching using the sorogan method. By participating in tahsin, they increase friendship, practice reciting in each other's homes and have Qur'anic morals. The English Massive program has been running for about 5 years. Every Thursday and Saturday. Teaching with the Teacher Center and Pairing methods. The Friday blessing program is routine every Friday. The problems of the mosque as a center of Islamic education in the community among them are the lack of interest of new students for the list of tahsin of mothers, the number of mothers who are unable to attend the prayer, the lack of socialization of the existence of the mosque which is still new, the age factor affects the ability of students to learn, the lack of consistency and motivation in learning.
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