Pengaruh Pendidikan Akhlak Berbasis Budaya Jawa terhadap Perilaku Remaja di Kediri


  • Hari Widyasmoro Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Muhammadiyah Kediri



Character Education, Javanese Culture, Behaviour, Gotong Royong, Modernisation


This study explores the influence of Javanese culture-based moral education on adolescent behaviour in Kediri. Using a qualitative approach, this study collected data through interviews, observations, and questionnaires involving adolescents aged 13-18 years old. The results show that values such as gotong royong, respect for parents, and simplicity have been well internalised by teenagers and reflected in their daily behaviour. The study also found that Javanese culture-based moral education is effective in shaping responsible and ethical adolescent characters, although the challenges of modernisation often create tensions between traditional values and global influences. The implications of this study highlight the importance of integrating cultural values in the education curriculum as well as the need for adaptation to deal with the influence of modernisation. Suggestions for further research include the study of the adaptation of cultural values in the context of globalisation and the development of holistic educational strategies. The findings provide important insights for the development of culture-based character education in Kediri and other regions in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Pengaruh Pendidikan Akhlak Berbasis Budaya Jawa terhadap Perilaku Remaja di Kediri. (2023). Journal of Education and Religious Studies, 3(03), 86-93.

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